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Using Code to Solve Real-World Problems: Announcing our Build with Code CSX Unit and Workshop Series

At Codesmith, our instructional pedagogy is based on the importance of block-driven development and being an autonomous engineer, which is developed through the rewarding challenge of building projects from the ground up. This focus on building allows our grads to have a deeper understanding of concepts, and, most importantly, develop the skill of technical decision-making, which sets them up for success in mid- to senior-level engineering roles.

Building with code has intentionally been structured as a core part of our curriculum, because we understand how this experience allows residents to develop in the skills of critical thinking, technical decision-making, and understanding how different technologies work on a more practical level (rather than focusing on just the abstract - as many computer science courses do). We have also seen how this practical experience building with code can be exceptionally valuable for graduates as they jump into the job search.

Codesmith is excited to announce our new Build with Code CSX Unit and Workshop Series, which give our community the framework to solve real-world problems by creating working tools from scratch.

Whether you’ve been programming for years or are earlier in your journey, the Build with Code unit in CSX guides you through the process of sourcing project opportunities and translating those ideas into a working product through the approach that engineers use for technical problem-solving. 

Project building is a collaborative process, which involves a space to share ideas, gather feedback, and present working products. The Build with Code workshop series provides a space to collaboratively develop your project ideas as well as further build out your problem-solving toolkit.

The first workshop in the ongoing series is Intro to Building with Code. This workshop will equip you to identify a problem to be solved, define an impactful solution using code, and solidify a plan for building your product.

The Webforms, Persistent Storage & Site Deployment workshop will cover how to build tools using webforms, one of the most powerful and often forgotten elements in HTML. Gaining a deeper understanding of these tools will allow you to consider implementations for your own projects.

Alongside these materials, the new #build-with-code CSX Slack community is a space for sharing project demos, getting feedback from other engineers, and gathering input on challenges you may encounter while building your product.

Get started building with code by attending our upcoming workshops and checking out the CSX unit. Keep an eye on our events page for more workshops to be announced soon!