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Image with blue background and graphic of a laptop with code on it. There is text on the image that reads Breaking into Software Engineering: Advice from Codesmith Alumni.

Breaking Into Software Engineering: Advice from Codesmith Alums

We asked recent Codesmith alums who are working as software engineers what advice they have for aspiring engineers trying to break into the industry. Check out their tips below, plus learn how you can start your coding journey with Codesmith’s free resources ⬇️

👀 What advice do you have for folks trying to break into the software engineering field?

Rebecca for blogMy biggest piece of advice would be that tech needs you! Even if you don't fit the mold of what a typical engineer in the field may be, your perspective, background, and unique skills are desperately needed. One thing folks at Codesmith say a lot that I will take with me is "you are exactly where you are supposed to be." This applies most when you feel like you're not able to grasp a concept or able to master a skill. Power through and stay positive. 

-Rebecca, Software Engineer at 2U, East Coast Remote Immersive Alum

Jo, NYOI for blogI would begin by learning the foundation of a programming language. If you are interested in fullstack or web development, JavaScript is a great language to pick up. Otherwise, Python is also a beginner friendly language that is widely used. Once you have acquired the basics, you can then begin building small projects. I would also recommend collaborating with others and immersing yourself in a community of developers [like CSX Slack]. Not only does this make the software development journey less lonely, it will accelerate your growth as a developer. If you have seriously considered it and are prepared to put the work into transitioning into tech, I would encourage you to give it a shot. 

- Jo, Software Engineer at JPMorgan Chase & Co, New York Onsite Immersive Alum 

Daria for blogFind the community of like-minded people and make this break together! I know that it’s very scary to make these changes alone. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice and ask for mentorship. Software engineers who are already doing great things in the industry would be happy to help you because it is human nature – we like helping each other! And, as for the beginners who are starting just like you, they will be thrilled to see that they are not alone. 

- Daria, Frontend Developer at Neiro.ai, New York Onsite Immersive Alum

Cassidy for blogDo Codesmith! This has been the most helpful, supportive place I could have asked for. I genuinely would not even be close to where I am today if I had chosen to go to a more traditional bootcamp or tried to learn to code by myself. Learning how to be an empathetic engineer is so important for becoming accomplished in this field, and Codesmith has given us the opportunity to develop those skills where other methods for learning may not value those goals.

 - Cassidy, Software Engineer at LegacyScape, East Coast Remote Immersive Alum

💻 Start Your Coding Journey Today

Whether you are just starting your coding journey or leveling up on your skills, our free coding resources can help you achieve your coding goals. 

  • Codesmith offers weekly remote and in-person Intro to JavaScript, JavaScript the Hard Parts, and Pair Programming workshops! View upcoming events here.

  • Can't make a live workshop? Check out Codesmith's YouTube channel for all of our workshops broken down by Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced Intermediate JavaScript concepts! 

  • Learn at your own pace with CSX, Codesmith's free, JavaScript learning platform with units on programming basics like Functions all the way up to concepts like Recursion and Asynchronous JavaScript. Plus, join the CSX Slack community of over 16,000 coders working through tough coding challenges and pair programming together!