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Codesmith Overview

What makes Codesmith graduates stand out from other bootcamp graduates?

Year after year, Codesmith continues to lead in the number of graduates hired as mid- and senior-level software engineers, as well as median starting salaries and percentage hired full-time in the software engineering industry.

Codesmith's Immersive Program challenges residents to think like engineers rather than just technicians, even before they are accepted; technical communication and analytical problem solving skills being at the forefront of evaluation, followed by their JavaScript knowledge.

This foundation continues to be built upon as residents are introduced to various approaches to develop their skills, from Hack Hours and Tech Talks to several student-led projects during the program.

By graduation, residents are able to leverage all of these moving pieces in their job search, conveying their capabilities to succeed as leaders in the software engineering space. Codesmith alumni are employed at top companies such as Amazon, Google, Netflix, and American Express, as well as other game changers in the tech space like Hulu, Hyperloop, Riot Games, and Blizzard Entertainment.

Learn more in this deep-dive analysis into both our outcomes reports and hiring program about how we help Codesmith graduates land mid and senior level roles in the tech space.

Check out what Codesmith alumni have to say on Course Report, Career Karma, and Switch Up!

Why should I consider attending the Software Engineering Immersive Program over a Computer Science or other technical degree? If I already have a Computer Science degree, what can I get out of the Immersive program?

This is one of our most frequently asked questions amongst students considering a bootcamp over a Computer Science or technical degree! 

Bootcamps can provide students with better opportunities to break into the industry, and oftentimes see a better ROI as compared to traditional four-year schools. A software engineering immersive may be ideal for those who have little to no prior experience in the software engineering space, and want that starting point to launch their career within the industry.

Hear from Juan E, a Codesmith graduate, as he shares his insights on going through our Los Angeles Software Engineering Immersive Program as a Computer Science graduate.

Why does the Software Engineering Immersive focus on JavaScript?

JavaScript is the language of the modern web. It has enabled many of the revolutionary experiences created over the past 5 years, from Google Maps to Spotify. However, historically, it has needed to be paired with something else like Python to build out full applications.

The emergence of server-side JavaScript means developers can now create rich, lightning-fast applications in pure JavaScript from end-to-end.

Focusing primarily on a single language to learn CS concepts, front-end development, and back-end development is a crucial part of what makes the extraordinary rate of learning during the program possible.

What's the difference between each of the programs?

The Full-Time Software Engineering Immersive runs for 3 months, and teaches a full-stack JavaScript curriculum designed to prepare residents for mid- to senior-level roles in software engineering. Besides the timing, the Full-Time Immersive is identical to the Part-Time Remote Software Engineering Immersive that takes place over 38 weeks, with the same core curriculum, projects, hiring support,  and collaborative culture. 

For more information on the differences between the programs, we welcome you to explore our Programs Overview page.

For Codesmith's remote programs, what is the online learning experience like?

Codesmith uses several platforms to facilitate your online classroom experience. You’ll receive access and instructions before the course begins on what you’ll need to have installed. The classroom environment allows you to ask questions during the lecture, collaborate with other learners, and personalize your own learning experience through annotation and note taking capabilities.

How can I learn if Codesmith is right for me before I apply?

Join our weekly JavaScript workshops, where you can learn from Codesmith instructors and learn alongside like-minded individuals!

For beginners, we recommend attending the Intro to JavaScript workshops, which are held every Tuesday night.

The JavaScript the Hard Parts workshops dive further under the hood, covering important yet often misunderstood concepts of JavaScript. Hard Parts are held every Thursday night.

Technical communication is a critical component of Codesmith's programs - tune into the Pair Programming sessions to hone your engineering soft skills with other members of the community!

While our workshops run on a pretty regular cycle, you can always head over to Codesmith's YouTube channel to follow along with the workshop recordings at your own pace.

We welcome you to review our Community Overview page for a summary of Codesmith’s diverse community ecosystem.

How do you maintain your strong sense of community?

Ensuring that residents are in an engaging and empathic environment is important in both the in-person and remote programs. Weekly events and socials like Family Dinner, where residents give shout outs to those who went above and beyond in the last week, take place in all of our programs. We also have Circles and other various non-coding focused activities as team-building activities and mental breaks.

What is Codesmith doing in the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion space?

Inclusion & Diversity is a top priority at Codesmith. Through implicit bias workshops for residents, and scholarships for those underrepresented in the tech industry, Codesmith is committed to evening the playing field. Check out our inclusivity and diversity page for more info.

Is Codesmith an officially accredited institution?

While we are excited to provide a transformative, impactful educational experience, at this time Codesmith is not accredited by a U.S. Department of Education-recognized accrediting body. This means that federal student loan aid cannot be used in conjunction with our courses.

Codesmith is BPPE-approved in California and New York, in which our campuses are located.

Does Codesmith offer any flex paced programs or additional timing options for part-time instruction?

Yes! Codesmith offers our complete JavaScript for Beginners course on Udemy and a  Complete JavaScript Closures Course on Udemy that is completely self-paced. 

Additionally, Codesmith is able to offer a limited number of scholarship codes for these Udemy courses. Please email us at hello@codesmith.io for a promo code so that you can explore these courses for free.

Currently, there isn’t a self-paced option for our Full- or Part-Time Software Engineering Immersive, but you’re always welcome to learn at your own pace using CSX

How long do Codesmith courses take to complete?

The Software Engineering Immersive takes 13 weeks (full-time) or 38 weeks (part-time). CS Prep course is 2 weeks or 31 hours in total, while JavaScript for Beginners takes place over a total of 13.5 hours on 2 consecutive Saturdays. 

Codesmith Admissions Process

What is the admissions process for the Software Engineering Immersive program?

The admissions process consists of an application, an Initial Interview with the Admissions team and up to three Technical Interviews with Codesmith engineers.

The application includes essay questions and an optional coding challenge. The essay questions give you space to let the Admissions team know about your software engineering aspirations and why you are interested in Codesmith’s Immersive program..

The Initial Interview is an opportunity for the Admissions team to learn more about your background and goals for after the Immersive program. This is a non-technical interview that will assess how your aspirations and values are aligned with the Immersive program.

The Technical Interview gauges your readiness and fit for the fast-paced, intense Immersive program. You will be evaluated on your JavaScript and programming knowledge, analytical problem-solving skills, and both your technical and non-technical communication. If you are invited to a Technical Interview, you will have up to three attempts to pass. Within about a week of your interview date, a Codesmith team member will schedule time with you to review your personalized feedback and next steps in the admissions process.

At each stage of the interview process, the Admissions team will evaluate your fit for the Immersive program holistically. Attend an upcoming How to Prepare for the Codesmith Technical Interview workshop to learn more about recommended preparation for the Immersive admissions process.

How do I know if I'm a qualified candidate for the Immersive program?

Codesmith’s Software Engineering Immersive program is designed for driven individuals who are ready to build a career in software engineering. The Codesmith admissions process ensures that each cohort is full of a diverse group of empathetic engineers, creating a supportive and dedicated culture. We look for candidates with strong technical potential beyond their ability to write code, including honed communication, the ability to persist through rigorous challenges, and analytical problem-solving skills.

In order to apply to our Software Engineering Immersive Programs, you must be at least 18 years of age.

How should I prepare for the admissions process and technical interview?

All Software Engineering Immersive applicants are expected to complete CSX (Codesmith’s free online learning platform), regularly attend JavaScript the Hard Parts workshops and Pair Programming Sessions, and review Codesmith’s Guide to Technical Communication

If you prefer more structure in your preparation, we recommend checking out our Prep Programs, JavaScript for Beginners and CS Prep.

Review our recommended prep plan for more information on how to prepare for the Codesmith admissions process.

Speak with an Admissions Advisor

Can I transfer my application to another Software Engineering Immersive program or cohort? Can I apply to multiple start dates and locations?

If you applied to the wrong program, let your Admissions Coordinator know so they can transfer your application. If you are open to multiple locations depending on availability (for example, both the East Coast Remote and Central Remote programs), you may let your Admissions Coordinator know, but the admissions process is the same for all locations and you may only have one application open at a time. If you are accepted to the program, you may transfer your acceptance to an upcoming start date for another location if there is availability.

How long is the admissions process? How do I know which cohort to aim for?

The admissions process for the  Immersive program is challenging—individual preparation plans and timelines can vary greatly depending on a variety of factors, including your prior programming experience, career background, participation in Codesmith's community and workshops, and ability to grow as an engineer from personalized feedback. 

Our cohorts receive a high number of applications, so they often fill up ahead of deadlines. A majority of applicants do not pass their first technical interview, so we recommend applying at least 3-4 months in advance of your ideal start date. 

Due to limited availability, we also recommend having 1-2 backup start dates in mind and not making any major life plans dependent upon cohort start dates unless you've been officially accepted to the program. 

Once you've submitted an Immersive program application, your Admissions Coordinator will be able to advise as you build an individual preparation plan and can give guidance on an ideal timeline based on your background and availability.

I submitted an application, but I haven’t heard back from the Codesmith team yet – what are my next steps?

Our team reviews every application and typically follows up with next steps within about 2-5 business days from the date you applied. Keep an eye on your inbox and be sure to check your spam folder if you haven’t heard back in that time frame.

If you still haven’t heard back, you can reach out to the Admissions Advisor at admissionsadvisor@codesmith.io, and they will be able to connect you with the correct team member to receive next steps.

What is the cancelation and rescheduling policy for interviews? What do I do if I’m having technical issues joining the interview?

Both Initial and Technical Interviews can easily be canceled or rescheduled using the links provided in the Google Calendar event for the interview. Barring emergencies, interviews must be canceled or rescheduled at least 48 hours in advance. For Technical Interviews, if you cancel or reschedule with less than 48 hours notice or if you do not join the video call, it may count as an interview attempt. Please note that your interviewer will wait in the Google Meet room for a maximum of five minutes — after 5 minutes, you will be considered as a no show for your interview and will be asked to reschedule.

If you are having issues joining the Google Meet room or there is not an interviewer on the call, please reach out to your Admissions Coordinator as soon as possible.

Are there any equipment recommendations or tools you recommend having to complete the program?

Our curriculum is designed and maintained on Mac computers and utilizes a lot of technology that is designed to work well with Mac's Unix based OS. For this reason, we strongly recommend using a Mac for the Immersive program. If you choose to use a non-Mac, you'll need to install and learn Linux (such as WSL) on the machine of your choice. While we always recommend purchasing the best computer you can afford, any working new or used Mac will work for the program, including the MacBook and MacBook Air.

In order to whiteboard effectively, we also recommend having an iPad and iPencil (or similar tablet drawing device). We've seen this greatly improve collaboration between pair programming partners, but it is not required.

If you have additional questions about equipment recommendations, please contact your Admissions Coordinator or the Admissions Advisor at admissionsadvisor@codesmith.io.

Once accepted, is there precourse work that needs to be completed before starting the program?

In order to hit the ground running from day one, we require admitted residents to complete a precourse that covers many of the basics and challenges them to think critically about problem solving and web development. Topics include core functional and object-oriented concepts in JavaScript, building web pages in HTML and CSS, and designing algorithms. Residents also begin using a few of the tools they will use as software engineers, including Git/Github, Bash, and test driven learning. Office hours and additional support are available to residents during this phase.

Do you need a high school diploma or college degree to participate in the program?
A high school diploma or college degree are not required to participate in the Software Engineering Immersive, but incoming residents must be at least 18 years of age in order to apply.
Are accommodations available in the technical interview for those that need them?
Codesmith is committed to providing an accessible interview process to applicants. If you would like to request interview accommodations, you may reach out to the Codesmith Admissions Team to discuss potential plans.

To learn more, including who to contact, review the Accommodations at Codesmith Guide.

Tuition & Financing

Is there an application fee?

There are no application fees for any of Codesmith’s programs.

How much is the Immersive tuition and what financing options are available?

The tuition for all Codesmith’s Software Engineering Immersive cohorts beginning in 2024 is $21,800. We provide a range of options to help you finance your education, including payment plans, loan partners and scholarships.

Financing is typically the last step of the admissions process, so if you are accepted to the Immersive program, the Admissions team will work with you to confirm a financing plan that works the best for you.

Does Codesmith offer scholarships?

The Software Engineering Immersive program offers full-tuition, partial-tuition, and partner scholarships have been created to provide financial support to outstanding community members who exemplify Codesmith’s values, especially those from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in the tech industry. Visit our Scholarships page for more information.

What are the scholarship application requirements?

While each scholarship has its own requirements, for all full-tuition and cohort scholarships, you must first be accepted to the Software Engineering Immersive program to submit an application. Edie Windsor Coding Scholarships are awarded directly by Lesbians Who Tech, and you must also be accepted to one of Codesmith’s Immersive programs or Codesmith’s Prep Programs to use the scholarship.

How are Codesmith's scholarship applications evaluated?

Scholarship applications and interviews are typically evaluated on the following criteria: Contribution to the Codesmith Community, Leadership, Technical & Academic Aspiration, and Financial Need. Some scholarships may have additional evaluation criteria.

When are the scholarship application deadlines?

Full-Tuition scholarships are awarded on a quarterly or annual basis depending on availability. Please review the annual application deadlines for more information.

For partial-tuition Cohort scholarships, applications are due 14 days before the cohort start date and awards are sent out the week before the cohort begins.

For the Edie Windsor Coding Scholarship by Lesbians Who Tech (LWT), applications are due by mid-February and award decisions are typically sent mid-March. Applications and awards are all managed directly by Lesbians Who Tech.

Are there expectations for scholarship award recipients?
During the Immersive program, recipients must complete two short Q&As. To get an idea of Q&A content that has been shared in the past, check out Cris’s Course Report spotlight.

After graduation, scholarship recipients are expected to:

  • Be willing to participate in alumni panel events relevant to their background, experience and knowledge and participate in one Mock Interview Day

  • Participate as a mentor to Immersive applicants in Codesmith's Mentorship Program

  • Be willing to be featured in Codesmith promotional materials

Are scholarships offered for the Prep Programs?
We offer full and partial-tuition cohort scholarships for both of our Prep Programs: JavaScript for Beginners and CS Prep. Once accepted to these programs, you will be eligible to apply for scholarships.
Does the Immersive program tuition increase yearly?
The Software Engineering Immersive program tuition typically increases up to 5% annually on January 1st of each year. The tuition for all open cohorts can be found in the Tuition & Scholarships section on our site.
Does Codesmith accept the GI Bill?
No, Codesmith does not accept the GI Bill at this time, but Veterans are eligible to apply for one of our cohort scholarships

JavaScript for Beginners

Can I take JavaScript for Beginners if I’ve never coded before?

Yes, absolutely! This course is designed for those with no coding experience. Before the course begins, you’ll have the opportunity to learn JavaScript fundamentals in the precourse work. Then we’ll start the course by giving you a general understanding of how the web works so you can get a sense of the bigger picture, before we dive into coding!

Are there any requirements for taking JavaScript for Beginners?

JavaScript for Beginners students must be at least 18 years of age to participate in the course.

Is there precourse work?

Yes, we’ll have you complete Parts 1 & 2 of the Precourse on CSX, our free online learning platform. You won’t be required to have a complete understanding of these concepts, but we want you to have some familiarity on what you’ll be learning to make sure you can get the most out of the course.

Will I learn any HTML & CSS or does this course just cover JavaScript?

This course is completely focused on JavaScript and it will not cover HTML & CSS. This course is focused on taking learners from completely new to a JavaScript novice, and with the length of the course we think it’s important not to dive into other languages. If you are interested, we have free weekly workshops that include content on HTML & CSS. See upcoming events here.

If I finish this course am I ready for CS Prep?

Yes, JavaScript for Beginners sets you up with a good foundation to transition into our online, part-time course CS Prep. We recommend continuing to learn JavaScript on your own between courses. Learn more about CS Prep here.

For more information, visit our JavaScript for Beginners page.

CS Prep

What does CS Prep cover?

The CS Prep curriculum will go under-the-hood of JavaScript, challenging you to learn coding fundamentals, refine your analytic problem-solving and build a technical communication skill set. By the end of the 2-week program, you will have developed the essential knowledge of a software engineer, gained engineering best practices, and you will have built 2 awesome projects.

Learn more about CS Prep and download a copy of the syllabus on Codesmith's website.

What's the CS Prep program schedule?

Planning your track into Codesmith's Software Engineering Immersive? CS Prep is offered in a remote part-time program format on a bi-weekly basis, so you can prepare in a structured learning environment!

CS Prep operates on an alternating schedule between PST-based and EST-based cohorts. The program takes place over two consecutive weeks, Monday through Wednesday 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm PT/ET , and Saturday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Pacific Time/12:00 pm - 6:00 pm Eastern Time.

See upcoming start dates for CS Prep.

Does CS Prep guarantee me acceptance to the Software Engineering Immersive programs?

CS Prep does not guarantee acceptance, but it is our recommended way to prepare for the Immersive programs. CS Prep is designed to teach you core JavaScript fundamentals and covers concepts that are tested on the technical interview for the Immersives. If you have questions about this, please reach out to csprep@codesmith.io.

Is there pre-course work to starting CS Prep?

Yes, before beginning CS Prep you will need to complete the Precourse Unit (Part 1 and 2) up to the Callbacks & Higher-order Functions unit on  CSX, Codesmith’s free JavaScript learning platform. These units must be completed before interviewing for the program, but you do not have to complete them before applying.

Are there any requirements for taking CS Prep?

CS Prep students must be over the age of 18 to participate in the course. We also recommend an understanding of introductory JavaScript, please see above for the recommended pre-course work.

How much is CS Prep tuition, and can you tell me more about financing options?

CS Prep tuition is $250. Tuition covers 2 weeks of live instruction from experienced instructors, daily coding challenges, project building, and access to a supportive community of coders!

CS Prep offers scholarships to make the program accessible to all candidates committed to excellence in software engineering. Applications are due 14 days before the start date of your program.

To qualify for a CS Prep scholarship you must first be accepted into the program. Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the admissions team to those who exemplify a passion for coding, exceptional engineering potential, and bring something special to the community.

Do I need to take CS Prep before taking the technical interview for the immersive program?

While CS Prep can be a helpful resource in your journey to Codesmith's Immersive — and passing the technical interview — it's not required. We see learners taking many different approaches in preparing for the technical interview; CS Prep being just one of them.

Schedule a call with an Alumni Advisor to build a personalized prep plan together, and/or attend an Immersive info session to learn about how you can best prepare for Codesmith's technical interview!

For more information, visit our CS Prep page.

Software Engineering Immersive Program

What does the Immersive program cover?

The Software Engineering Immersive Program teaches full-stack JavaScript and computer science to prepare you for mid- and senior-level software engineering roles. The expertly designed curriculum and supportive community immerse you in modern web technologies, such as React and Node.js, and encourage you to tackle unique and unfamiliar problems to prepare you for the ever-changing tech landscape. Codesmith offers an extensive career support program that guides residents through the hiring process, including interview strategies, portfolio development, and post-graduation check-ins. By the end of the Immersive, you will be an autonomous engineer, ready to make an impact at innovative tech companies worldwide.

What’s the Software Engineering Immersive program schedule?

Codesmith’s Full-Time Software Engineering Immersive takes place over 13 weeks, M-F 9am-8pm and Saturdays 9am-4:30pm, in Pacific, Central, and Eastern time zones. We also offer an in-person program at our NYC Onsite program from our campus in the NoMad neighborhood.

Where can I take the program?

Codesmith’s West Coast Remote Immersive, Central Remote Immersive, East Coast Remote Immersive, and Global Part-Time Remote Immersive are all online with live instruction, for their entirety.

If you are interested in an onsite immersive program, we also offer our NYC Onsite program from our campus in the NoMad neighborhood.

How does Codesmith foster community in the onsite and remote environments?

Codesmith is committed to fostering a close-knit community as much as we are to ensuring that residents receive a top-notch software engineering education.

Community traditions include Monday Night Family Dinners (Full-Time Immersive) and Saturday Shout Outs & Snacks (Part-Time Immersive), where residents and team members gather to connect over a meal or snack together, while taking moments to recognize members of their cohort who have gone above and beyond to support them and the broader community over the past week.

Residents also engage in a variety of cohort-bonding activities, which can range from Movie Nights and Relay Races to Talent Shows and Karaoke Contests, providing opportunities to get to know and spend time with one another outside of coding.

These are just a few opportunities that we provide for our residents to build relationships with one another throughout the program — oftentimes, residents even build upon this, scheduling happy hours and lunchtime activities on their own!

How much can you really learn in just 13 weeks?

When we call Codesmith an intensive program, we really mean it. We have designed the curriculum to provide the core components of a computer science degree and internship-level technical experience within the program. While the Codesmith day is Monday through Saturday 9am to 8pm, many students (and even instructors) stay long past 8pm in the evening. With students spending 100+ hours per week coding. Prior to the program start date, you'll also complete an additional 3 units of material, covering HTML, CSS, algorithms, and more.

Are living and housing included?

Codesmith keeps our kitchen in NYC regularly stocked with breakfast foods and snacks. Beyond that, you will be responsible for arranging your own food and housing. There are many restaurants, fast food and fast casual places around Codesmith that provide residents with a plethora of food options.

For living situations, Codesmith’s team is happy to help students with advice and potential apartment mates. New students have often ended up sharing accommodations, especially if they weren't local before joining Codesmith.

Can I visit the New York City campus?

At this time we are not offering drop-in onsite tours of the facilities, but you’re welcome to join our in-person Hard Parts workshops on Thursday evenings to connect with other coders and see the space. 

Codesmith Outcomes & Career Support

How long after graduation is job support available?

Career support is available for life for all Codesmith graduates. Whether it’s your first, second or third job after graduation, we are here to help!

How do Codesmith grads achieve such high outcomes?

Codesmith grads stand out in their job search for a number of reasons. During the program, residents are trained to have strong technical communication and work on Open Source Products that aim to solve similar problems developers face on the job in mid-senior level roles. Additionally, the hiring portion of the program walks Codesmith residents through each step of the interviewing process, and prepares them to be strong candidates in the job market. All Codesmith outcomes are third party audited before being submitted to the Council of Integrity in Results Reporting (CIRR), the industry standard for placement stats across the coding school space.

Our alums continue to see success in their careers years after graduation. Our 2022 Where Are They Now report showcases the key insights of our graduates’ outcomes and accomplishments post-Codesmith.

How do Codesmith’s outcomes compare to other bootcamps and coding schools?

Year after year, Codesmith graduates have continued to raise the bar of coding school alumni as they launch their careers in the software engineering space beyond the program, with East Coast Remote grads earning a median starting salary of $140,000, West Coast Remote grads $128,000, Central Remote Immersive grads $130,000 and Part Time Remote Immersive grads $137,600 as of December 2021. Our graduates consistently land amazing roles as Full Stack, Front-End, and Back-End Software Engineers; several even accept offers as Senior Software Engineers — the top-notch salaries are merely an added benefit!

Learn more about Codesmith's graduate outcomes and career support. You can also compare CIRR member schools' outcomes reports at CIRR's website!

What are networking days and how do they work in virtual cohorts?

Networking day is a virtual lightning round interview event hosted by Codesmith during the senior’s hiring program. The event is not impacted by COVID, as all calls are fully remote. The event connects residents with engineers working in the field for 15-20 minute calls. Some companies that frequent networking days include Google, Facebook, Bloomberg, IBM, PayPal, and TicketMaster. Through these one-on-one conversations students are able to form connections and be referred to mid and senior level software engineering roles.

Codesmith Resident Projects

Do people continue working on projects post-graduation?

Graduates do not typically continue working on their projects post-graduation, but that is a personal choice for you to make because team members own the projects they create. Some graduates will continue to maintain their projects at a lower capacity, while others have gone on to create their own startups based on their Open Source Products.

Can the projects be anything coding-related or do they have to be JavaScript specific?

Projects don’t have to be JavaScript specific, but many are! Some groups have chosen to use other technologies, frameworks or languages - such as Docker, GraphQL, Vue, and Kafka.

Even though we teach JavaScript, our pedagogy allows residents to pick up new programming languages quickly especially because many languages are similar which makes them easy to learn.

What do group dynamics look like when working on these projects?

Groups typically have 3-5 members. Each group is formed using preference forms which allow residents to list any cohort mates they'd prefer to work with. Groups are also formed based on the interest of the individuals on the type of tool they want to build or technology that they want to work with. Daily Scrum, standups, and project management tools are also utilized to help prepare residents for their future careers.

Can I contribute to these Open Source Products without being part of the Immersive?

Yes, all of our Open Source Products are open source on Github. We encourage pull requests, which will be reviewed appropriately by the engineering team managing the Product.

How many projects do residents build in the program?

Residents will build five coding projects in the Immersive program, which will take up approximately ⅔ of the program time. Projects are integral to Codesmith’s pedagogy and are key to facilitating deeper learning of the curriculum and better equip residents for their future careers as Software Engineers.

What’s the support we get throughout the program for projects?

We help guide Residents on product topics and ask that residents submit a case on why they believe their product will be impactful. This helps ensure that products benefit the greater developer community, are a good opportunity for professional development, and are within scope. Mentors are also assigned to help support in the process from start to finish.

What is OSLabs?

Codesmith is committed to open source and proud to be a featured Open Source Labs partner.

Open Source Labs (OSLabs) is a selective community of dedicated engineers with the shared mission of driving creative technological advances through open source.

Open Source Products are great for those who want to improve their coding skills while at the same time contributing to projects in a meaningful way that is used by many others. Codesmith’s commitment to open source and pushing forward the engineering community means that we encourage Open Source Products done in partnership with organizations like OSLabs, which hosts Open Source Products that our residents are able to iterate on. The OSLabs Github features Open Source Products that Codesmith Residents can iterate upon.

Are there any Open Source Products that work with a company’s codebase?

Yes, we’ve worked with many partner organizations and companies. If you are interested in collaborating please email hello@codesmith.io. Some examples of previous Open Source Products that are out of Beta are:

YouDescribe, an online platform where users can describe youtube videos to aid those who need more than solely the video for context.

First Freight, a leading CRM provider for freight forwarding companies in the world, approached Codesmith Residents to build a custom email automation service. While there are a few services that already handle email automation - First Freight was looking for a solution that integrated deeply with their existing system. The team built an email automation tool for their marketing department that was simple to use and provided all the analytics necessary to make informed business decisions.

For more information, visit our Projects Built by Residents page.

Future Code NYC X Codesmith

Am I able to work during the program? Is there a living stipend?
Future Code is designed to be no-cost to make transitioning careers to SE more accessible, however, we know everyone has unique circumstances. We have a minimum 90% attendance requirement and students must be available during the program's hours. As it is a full-time schedule, working a role outside of those hours may be unsustainable. While we don't forbid folks from working, we encourage them to really think about the best decision for their success and health.In order to make long-term career training more accessible to more individuals, the Tech Talent Pipeline, and the Department of Small Business Services will be providing, for eligible participants, a living stipend during training. Eligibility for the stipend can be discussed through the Admissions process.
What if these dates don't work for me?

As of right now, we have one cohort scheduled this year (starting July 29) and we are hoping to launch more cohorts in the future. If this cohort's dates don't work for you, we encourage you to submit this interest form. Once we have more to announce, we will share with the community. You can still submit an application for Future Code NYC x Codesmith here and talk with our admissions team more about your specific circumstance.

You can also check out our Software Engineering Immersive Program dates here. We have programs starting for our Software Engineering Immersive Program every six weeks.

Can I still apply if I don't have access to a computer?

Yes! If you don't have access to a computer, the Future Code team will work with you through the Admissions Process to adapt for your circumstances. For the program itself, we can also provide laptops for folks who need them. We don't want equipment to be a barrier of entry. If you are in need of other equipment, we are happy to chat and will try our best to support you in what you need to be successful in the program.

What if I'm not eligible for the program?

Future Code is specifically for New York City residents who meet certain requirements regarding previous work and education experience and income. If you don’t meet these requirements, you might be a great candidate for our Software Engineering Immersive (available in both full and part time). 

How will eligibility be verified?

While folks applying to the program have come from such a range of diverse backgrounds and experiences, ultimately, everyone will need to meet eligibility. For this program, there are multiple checks regarding eligibility--in the application, during the initial interview, and in order to fully enroll (after being accepted).

In the first checks we ask for written and verbal confirmation applicants meet requirements. For those who are accepted to enroll, the City of New York will be requiring eligibility documentation to finalize enrollment. Failure to do so by the due date would mean they lose their spot.

Free JavaScript Learning Resources

Do I have to pay to attend the weekly JavaScript workshops?

Nope! Our weekly workshops are always free.

Is there anywhere I can learn JavaScript for free?

Codesmith is committed to providing more accessible learning opportunities to our community. If you're not yet ready for an Immersive program, or are just looking to learn a new skill, we offer lots of free resources to help you along the way! We have curated a variety of JavaScript resources for you to explore based on the skill level and learning style preference you may have.

Build the foundations of coding with these curated resources for anyone with no prior coding experience. Learn core JavaScript functionality, such as variables, arrays, objects, loops, and more so you can move on to tackle more advanced challenges.

Master the JavaScript fundamentals and get a broader context to how coding works. Continue your learning in the key principles of programming in JavaScript - code execution, memory, execution context, the call stack and more, with these free learning resources for beginners.

Once you have the basics down, our intermediate-level learning resources can take you further and advance your skills in callbacks, higher-order functions, as well as classic closure functions like once, memoize and even password-protected functions.

Integrate what you've learned, polish your software engineering skills and learn how to program more efficiently with our advanced intermediate resources. More experienced programmers and students can enhance their skills in async, object-oriented programming, recursion and more.

Can I learn JavaScript at my own pace?

Build your JavaScript skills at your own pace, and find your coding support system through CSX, Codesmith's free online JavaScript learning platform.

CSX allows you to learn JavaScript at a pace most convenient for you. Start with the fundamentals and work your way to more advanced concepts with tons of interactive unit challenges and video lectures to solidify your learning.

For more information, visit our Free JavaScript Learning Resources page.