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Coding for Creatives and Freelancers

Coding for Creatives & Freelancers

Join us for this live interactive course, inspired by the folks in our community coming from creative and freelance backgrounds. When you’re developing your brand, engineering can be a powerful tool in amplifying your work.

In this online course you’ll develop a website to promote your brand, using tools such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals to help you stand out. To make sure your site ranks well in search engine results, we’ll cover how to optimize with SEO.

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Coding for Financial Analysts

Coding for Financial Analysts

In the quickly evolving financial industry, the intersection of analytics and technology has become core to business. During this online course, we’ll go beyond the basics of tools you’re already familiar with and delve deeper into the overlap between financial analysis and software engineering. 

In this course, we’ll cover:

  • Programming fundamentals: Variables, data types, control flow, functions, HOFs, closure, OOP, and more
  • Data manipulation and analysis: Importing, cleaning, and transforming financial data
  • Financial Modeling: Building complex financial and statistical models, e.g. forecasting, risk analysis, valuation
  • Data visualization: Creating interactive and informative financial dashboards

A basic understanding of SQL, VBA, and Python is recommended as a prerequisite to this course.

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JavaScript for Programmers

JavaScript for Programmers

In this course, we’ll learn the power of JS. You’ll build an understanding of user interface development from first principles, enabling you to better develop and debug UIs with libraries including React, Vue, and Angular.

During this course we will cover:

  • DOM, browser APIs, events and handlers
  • View, state and controllers—the core elements of UI
  • UI Components with closure

This course is ideal for anyone interested in upskilling their JS understanding, whether you’re a Computer Science grad or a dev working with another coding language in your role.

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Intro to Machine Learning-1

Intro to Machine Learning

Whether you’re interested in the realm of artificial intelligence or already in tech and looking to expand your skillset, this course will demystify machine learning by equipping you with an overview of ML fundamentals. 

In this course, we’ll introduce the steps of using a Machine Learning model by working through hands-on examples. We’ll cover:

  • Basic data exploration with summary statistics
  • Defining a model
  • Fitting a model
  • Making predictions with a model
  • Evaluating a model
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Coding on the Job

Coding on the Job

The goal of a software engineer is to develop products that solve real-world problems. In this course, you’ll discover the problem-solving opportunities all around you—at work, where you volunteer, in your free time—and learn how to design impactful solutions with code. 

This course will cover the problem-solving approach employed by software engineers, including minimum viable product (MVP) and stretch feature development, while working through your real project ideas. 

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