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New Remote Immersive at Codesmith: Our Full-Time Immersive Program - Now Available in CT

We’re launching a new option to attend Codesmith’s Full-time Software Engineering Immersive Program. Conducted in Central Time, the program offers the exact same curriculum, career support, and supportive community as our NYC and LA Immersives, but will permanently stay remote.

Here's some more info about the program:

How is the new program different from Codesmith’s other full-time immersives?

There are two main differences:

  • Time Zone: The new program will be conducted in Central Time.
  • Location The program will always be remote, opposed to our NYC and LA programs which are temporarily remote due to Covid.

When does the first cohort start?

The cohort starts April 5th, 2021 with the following deadlines:

  • Online Application - March 3rd
  • Initial Interview - March 5th
  • Technical Interview - March 13th

We always recommend applying as soon as possible, to have enough time to retake the technical interview (if necessary), and properly prepare for the program.

What is the schedule like & how long will it take me to graduate?

Same as our NYC and LA Immersives - students graduate in 12 weeks.

  • Classes will be conducted in Central Time (GMT -6)
  • Monday-Friday from 9:00am to 8:00pm
  • Saturdays from 9:00am to 4:30pm

Typically, our Full-time Immersive residents invest about 100+ hours per week coding.

What will the community be like & who will I be learning alongside?

Your cohort mates will come from different locations and a wide variety of backgrounds. Through countless hours spent tackling problems together, pair programming and sharing non-coding time together during meals, circles and more, you’ll establish lifelong friendships and expand your engineering network.

Is the Hiring Support different?

Nope. Hiring Support is exactly the same for all Software Engineering Immersives - - including all aspects of career services like resume feedback, mock interview sessions, and even specific salary negotiation advice.

No matter where you are tuning in from or interested to find a job after graduation, our team is dedicated to personalizing your hiring needs based on your preferred location.

See our job placement and salary reports, meet some of our recent grads and learn more about Codesmith’s Hiring Support on the Graduate Outcome page.

How much is tuition & what kind of scholarships/financing option do you offer?

Tuition for Full-time Remote Software Engineering Immersive is $19,350. Once you have been accepted into the program, you may apply for scholarships and financing. Information about scholarships, available payment plans and loan partners is on our Admissions & Scholarships page.

How can I apply?

The admissions process consists of a written application, a nontechnical interview and then a technical interview. More info is on the Admissions page.

Ready to apply? Simply follow this link.

How to best prepare?

Below are some recommended public workshops, resources and prep courses you can take to best prepare for your success in our technical and the program.

Free Public Workshops [every week]

Prep Courses & Free Resources

I have other questions - can I talk with someone from Codesmith?

Absolutely! Schedule an advisor call for a more personalized conversation.