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New Year, New Opportunities to Connect on Codesmith.io

Happy New Year! You may have noticed a few changes on www.codesmith.io. We’ve redesigned our website to make it even easier to join the Codesmith community and learn about our programs, learning resources, scholarships, and more!

Keep reading to learn about a few of our new pages and resources.

Codesmith Community

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Our community is the heart of Codesmith - from our CSX platform to our free JavaScript workshops to the Immersive programs and much more. Visit our new Community hub and get involved by joining our CSX Slack. You can also read about Codesmith’s Inclusivity & Diversity initiatives and explore upcoming JavaScript workshops and events

Our featured alumni panels and blogs allow you to hear directly from our residents and alumni. Check them out to learn more about our residents’ journeys to Codesmith, the Immersive program experience, and the hiring process.

JavaScript Learning Resources

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Our new JavaScript Learning Resources page compiles all of our learning resources in one space so you can find the right start for your coding journey. 

Explore opportunities to build with code at your own pace, using CSX, Codesmith YouTube, or JavaScript for Beginners on Udemy. Or, opt for a more structured learning path with our Prep Programs, JavaScript for Beginners and CS Prep.

Programs Overview

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Learn about our programs and build an individualized preparation plan on our Programs Overview page. 

Whether you are starting at an introductory coding level or have more advanced skills, we are here to help you build a plan to prepare for Codesmith’s Software Engineering Immersive programs.

Software Engineering Immersive Scholarships

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A large part of our mission at Codesmith is to develop an exceptional network of brilliant, collaborative, and empathetic software engineers. We offer several scholarships opportunities to provide financial support to Codesmith community members who exemplify our values, especially those from backgrounds that are traditionally underrepresented in tech.

Visit our Scholarship page to learn more about full-tuition scholarships, like our Black Engineers Scholarship, and partial-tuition scholarships, like our Cohort Scholarship.

See you on Codesmith.io

We are excited to welcome you to the new www.codesmith.io!