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Codesmith's Response to COVID-19

Below is an official announcement from Codesmith CEO and co-founder, Will Sentance.

Dear Codesmith community,

As we continue to see COVID-19 make impacts on our communities and see public health leaders provide more definitive guidance, it is becoming clear that we need to take necessary precautions in order to contribute to slowing the impact of this global threat.

Our regulatory bodies advise that in order to limit the spreading of a virus like COVID-19, we take action for the safety of our campuses and extended community. We have consequently initiated a series of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

We understand that the unprecedented situation and these steps disrupt the usual patterns of our workshops and programs. We hope as we all tackle the drastic global changes, we can be flexible and share in a resilient approach. As we offer our Immersive program and CSPrep through remote instruction, we are prepared to quickly and effectively make this change.

We continue to prioritize the learning experience of our students and in order to provide the most seamless transition for our onsite Software Engineering Immersive to a remote learning environment, we are making the following updates:

Our plan follows the directions from state and federal health guidance that post-primary educational institutes must take to increase social distancing. Our community is taking steps to directly reduce the risks for broader society, as well as our own.

Given the circumstances, our teams are working overtime to ensure the online environment is effective in building a talented and supportive community of software engineers. We will continue to keep our students and community updated as things progress, but are excited to push the abilities of remote learning forward.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Will Sentance